6 Periodic Updates

Periodically you will need to update: R, R Studio, and your packages (but NOT \(\LaTeX\)).

6.1 The R Programing Language

Updating R

The best way to update is to go to the webpage and download/install as if you did not have R on your computer.

You do NOT need to uninstall old versions of R on your computer.

Follow the directions in the previous chapter, here.

6.2 The R Studio IDE

Updating R Studio

  1. Open the R Studio program on your computer
  2. Click on the word Help on the menu at the top of the screen
  3. Click on the option to Check for Updates
  4. If there are updates available, follow the directions.

6.3 All Your R Packages

Updating R packages

  1. Open the R Studio program on your computer
  2. Click on the word Packages on the tab in the ‘many-tab’ panel
  3. Click on the button to Update
  4. Select the option to Update All

If you are asked any other things, your default answer is “yes”, unless you get asked the exact same question repeatedly…in which case change to “no”.